

  • 活跃的过滤器:
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  • 活跃的过滤器:
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Building Resilience: 5 Vital Mental Health Practices for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is often seen as an exhilarating and ambitious venture. However, it's also a path involving significant stress, unforeseen challenges, and intense pressure. 根据 Startup Snapshot的一项研究, 72%  of entrepreneurs experience mental health issues related to starting a business, 比如高压力, 焦虑, 倦怠, 抑郁症, 以及惊恐发作.

心理健康月, let's explore essential tips to build resilience, particularly for entrepreneurs navigating the complexities of building and sustaining a business.  We have included some insights from SCORE Twin

Women in Business Event - Artificial Intelligence: Your Business Super Power

Explore the power of artificial intelligence tools in enhancing your marketing strategies, 包括内容创作, 视频编辑, 网站设计, 和更多的. Plus, discover unique AI applications to streamline various aspects of your business. Learn how these cutting-edge tools can empower you to elevate your business to the next level!

How to Establish 非营利组织 Partnerships That Work
This webinar is designed for small nonprofits seeking to expand their reach through strategic alliances. Learn how to identify potential partners, the nuances between informal and formal partnerships, and the dynamics of working with Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) versus contracts.
Mind Your Own Business Women's Expert Business Panel

Wish you could have a team of experts at your disposal for guidance on starting, 发展和维持你的业务?

SCORE is ready to help Mind Your Own Business, 为妇女举办的特别研讨会, with valuable insights and information on marketing, 品牌, AI, and winning business strategies for startups to seasoned businesses.

A panel of SCORE business experts will answer your questions and you’ll engage with other like-minded attendees who have similar concerns and experiences.

Register by May 15th and get an early-bird discount of $15. The registration fee after that date is $20

90 Ways to Market Your Business without 社交媒体 - Women's Event

You don't need to be an expert in marketing to know that 社交媒体 isn't the only way to get your message out there. Whether you're a marketing veteran or just starting out, this workshop will help you find new ways to spread your brand without ever having to tweet or do a bunch of scrolling on your newsfeeds.

So, get ready to turn away from those pesky notifications and start getting creative! In this hands-on women's workshop, you will be learning “90 Ways to Market Your Business without 社交媒体”. 你没听错. No matter the industry or profession, this event will spice up


Do you have a passion for the culinary arts and want to start your own business? If so, starting a food truck might be the perfect business for you. This live webinar will provide the information you need to launch and run a successful food truck business.


  • Identifying your concept and developing your idea
  • 寻找合适的交通工具
  • Keeping your business legally compliant with health regulations and permits
  • Choosing the right spots to sell your food
  • 演讲结束后, there will be a question-and-answer session with a panel of food truck entrepreneurs
市场营销和品牌基础 - AZHCC

Join us for our next Business Bootcamp at the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce! 扎克瑞·科尔曼将讲授市场营销和品牌基础".


A successful business starts with a clear understanding of its offerings, target market, and goals.


品牌 defines your business's core identity – mission, 值, personality – through visual elements and brand voice.


市场营销 promotes your brand to the target audience through various channels (advertising, 社交媒体, 内容营销)


日期: 8月10日
时间: 上午10:30 -中午
地点: 4820 Southpoint Parkway, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Elevate your brand’s presence and connect with your audience like never before. Join our workshop to forge marketing and 品牌 strategies that leave a lasting impression


  • Expert-led sessions on building a brand identity, 数字营销趋势, 以及社交媒体策略.
  • Interactive workshops for creating marketing plans and content calendars.
  • Peer review sessions for feedback on marketing and 品牌 ideas.



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Copyright © 2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

